A word from Mr. Yousef Hasan Khalawi

Secretary General Of Islamic Chamber Of Commerce, Industry, And Agriculture

(The following is an English translation of the original Arabic version.)

Considering The Islamic Chamber as a representative for all the private sectors in the Islamic world, so its main strategic aim is to be the engine for investment, as investment is the main core for all private sectors, and from this point of view a number of companies owned by the Islamic Chamber’s endowment were established – which was contributed to its establishment by the late presidents of the Chamber, Sheikh Ismail Abu Dawood And Sheikh Saleh Kamel, may God have mercy on them – and at the forefront of these companies comes the Islamic Chamber Company for Halal Services.
Investment is not the purpose of the Chamber – which is a non-profitable entity – although there are a number of areas that represent major economic priorities throughout the Islamic world, and they need to take part in the development of their infrastructures, or the development of professional practices in them, and in this sense, the decision to establish companies to be not-for-profit companies, which are commercial entities independent from the Chamber’s apparatus, so they can achieve their continuity using their capitals and profits, allowing them to fund their own activities and projects, able to move flexibly and making their own appropriate decisions, and making alliances and partnerships in a way that serves the industry in which they operate. The company will provide a role model for non-profitable companies that add value to the entire industry. With the launch of the company as a specialized professional entity, the General Secretary of the Islamic Chamber will remain committed to its goals in the field of halal, along with the Islamic Chamber for Halal Services, and it will provide all the necessary support to develop the halal industry in the world, promote it and defend its interests, and focus on working with all parties around the world to achieve ethical commitment in this industry, in a manner that achieves the reassurance of the end consumers, for whom we, along with all our partners, bear a special obligation to find their halal food and drink as easily as possible, wherever he is.

Secretary General Of Islamic Chamber Of Commerce, Industry, And Agriculture