Islamic Chamber
Halal Services

Contrary to the most common understanding of the word ‘Halal’, the Halal market does not only include raw meat and food; it is a lifestyle that is dictated by what is or is not permissible to 1.9 billion Muslims around the world (almost 25% of the world population), who also have the biggest rate of growth among other global segments, and an additional growing purchasing power among some of the more developing Muslim countries in addition to growing Muslim populations within non-Muslim countries. The growing volume of information and research that is on the rise every year regarding the growth of the Halal market is a clear indication of the growing understanding and need of its existence.

The Halal industry’s lifestyle pervades every facet of a Muslim’s daily life; be that food (as the most easily recognizable sector), catering, restaurants, supermarkets, finance, banking, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fashion, and tourism. Hence the need to create the Islamic Chamber of Halal Services (ICHS) under the auspices of the Islamic Chamber for Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA). 

Halal market

Our Vision

Be the trusted and referenced Global Halal market leader, growing the Halal market qualitatively and quantitatively

Halal Market

Our Mission

Become the unified passport to the global Halal market, and the catalyst for global Halal trade.

Halal Market

Our Values

Integrity, openness, and
cooperation are the fundamentals
to our business strategy

Halal Countries

The power behind ICHS

Emanating from the biggest international islamic

The Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA www.iccia.com) are the representative of the private sector in the 57 Muslim countries striving to qualitatively and quantitatively develop the Halal market and respond to Muslim Consumers demands, to this end the ICCIA created the ICHS to act as its executive arm within its mandate to advocate Halal and develop the Halal Market. 

Building on the ICCIA connections with the Chamber of commerce of the 57 Muslim Countries as well as connections with Muslim Associations in Non-Muslim world, the ICHS is poised to fulfill its vision to be the trusted and referenced Global Halal market leader, growing the Halal market qualitatively and quantitatively.

ICHS is fully endorsed by

Halal Countries

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation –OIC-

The second largest organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57
states spread over four continents. Considered the collective voice of the Muslim

A word from our founders

ICHS is the Vehicle that Will Enable Domestic and Export Producers in Any Country to Obtain Globally Accepted Certification For Their Raw and Processed Products.

President Of ICCIA

H.E. Sheikh abdullah saleh

President Of ICCIA

Secretary General Of ICCIA

Mr. Yousef Hasan Khalawi

Secretary General Of ICCIA

Eng. Ashraf Tanbouly CEO Of ICHS

Eng. Ashraf El Tanbouly


Strategic Business Units

ICHS was created to become the global Halal Strategic Business Unit with its main objectives being to grow the Halal market both quantitatively and qualitatively, to enhance the Halal product supply chain in addition to being the main catalyst and reference for the global Halal trade. 


Since one of our mandates is to promote and facilitate both the inter-Muslim countries and global Halal trade, our strategy is to cooperate rather than compete and to integrate rather than alienate. We complement and complete other organizations working in the Halal field. 

Halal Countries

ICHS recognized and started working on four key Strategic Business Units that will deliver on the main objectives

ICHS Halal Certificate

Halal Certifiction

The principal direction for ensuring the Halalness (permissiveness) of products is via certification. ICHS provides a widely recognizable and accepted certification process for Halal production and products all over the world.

The certified producers will then become entitled to use the Halal Certification logo & brand registered in Europe and many other countries.

The complete audit process is automated hence providing professionalism, integrity, and trust in Halal Business Intelligence.

Halal Intelligence

The growth of any trade or market first and foremost depends on information to be able to launch on solid grounds that take into consideration both consumer and market intelligence.  IC Halal platform aims at providing all types of information to all types of Halal stakeholders. Due diligence is an integral practice whilst acquiring, creating filtering and finally approving the information provided before making it available to our stakeholders, partners & clients.

Thus, given the accuracy and integrity of the information provided through our intelligence platform. Producers, traders and service providers will easily be able to find and connect with each other all around the world, assess the demand for specific categories of products in a certain geography and many other information and commercial services.

ICHS Connect Halal Industry
ICHS Events

Halal Events

Faced with so many challenges and obstacles, so many myths, and disinformation, we organize and attend global events in the food, cosmetics, and catering sectors to spread awareness, demystify the proper route to Halal, and support market growth.

Halal Consultation

It is now clear how vast, variable, and dynamic the Halal market really is; halal does not just revolve around slaughterhouses, rather it is a complete economy and Eco-system. 

We strive to increase countries’ capacities to capitalize on the opportunities provided by the global Halal market and create sustainable development throughout the Muslim countries. We provide needed country consultation and support to establish their Halal Eco-system and capitalize on the sustainable growth. 

Halal Consultation